These are some easy steps required to setup Git for Windows: Download msysGit from: I prefer to use the portable version. At the time of this writing there’s no difference between 32 bit and 64 bit versions and the filename for the portable version is: PortableGit-1.7.10-preview20120409.7z. Currently it seems that the development of the project has been moved to GitHub, but the releases are still located in Google Code.

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I downloaded the Qt SDK (offline installer version which was 1.7 GB) from: At the time of this writing, the Qt libraries version was 4.7.3. Then I downloaded the VS-Addin, using the link at the bottom of the downloads page, titled “Qt Visual Studio Add-in”. After installing both SDK, and the VS-Addin on my system, I started Visual Studio 2010. I tried to create a sample project by selecting: File > New > Project… > Qt4 Projects > Qt Application, and specified proper values for Name and Location.

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PdfLaTeX does not support eps files by default. Add the following imports in the beginning: \usepackage{graphicx} % already added \usepackage{epstopdf} After that the includegraphics commands with eps arguments should produce no problems. Reference: [+]

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Some classes use external data files which are located in the same directory as the one that the .java file is located, or somewhere nearby which can be easily addressed with a relative path. This happens a lot for me, esp. when I am running open source programs developed by someone else. As an example, imagine a class called SampleClass located in a directory in which there exists a text file with the name of SomeFile.

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Sina Iravanian

Movie music junkie, insomniac, daydreamer, procrastinator, hard-determinist, introvert, and a bit into software.

Software Developer

Melbourne, Australia