I’ve moved my blog from Wordpress to my homepage domain. It makes use of Octopress, which is based on Jekyll, and is a static site generator. The blog is hosted on GitHub pages, and is open source. The great benefit of this stack of tools is that I can easily create and edit my posts in Markdown, re-generate the blog through command line, and make use of Rake (Ruby’s make tools) to perform various tasks ranging from post creation to deployment to GitHub pages.

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Imagine that we want to create a Person business object for whose properties we desire a two-way data binding. The source-to-target data-binding can be triggered by implementing INotifyPropertyChanged interface, like this: public class Person : INotifyPropertyChanged { private string _name; private double _age; public string Name { get { return _name; } set { if (value != _name) { _name = value; OnPropertyChanged("Name"); } } } public double Age { get { return _age; } set { if (_age !

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In C# Code var newGuid = Guid.NewGuid(); In Visual Studio Go to: Tools > Create GUID In SQL Server Management Studio Execute either of the following queries: SELECT NEWID() or PRINT NEWID() None of the above Go to newguid.com, and refresh the page as many times as you want.

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Recently I was involved with enabling validation for a Windows Forms form containing several pages shown through a tree view. There were one user control defined for each page, therefore whenever a node in tree-view got activated, an instance of that user-control were shown. The user-controls did not have a common user-defined parent base-class or interface. The author of the existing code had defined a Save method in each control separately which performed updating data with values entered in the forms.

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Based on Wikipedia, originally a Koan in Zen-practice is a paradoxical question that provokes doubt and tests a student’s progress. On the other hand, programming Koans are a set of failing unit-tests, for which the learner is required to fix the code or fill the required fields with proper values in order to make each test pass. Probably one of the earliest and most popular Koans were Ruby Koans. Now there are several Koans implemented for different languages and frameworks.

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If you’re new to Git and don’t know how to install Git on Windows, read my earlier post: How to Setup Git for Windows In an earlier post, I described the preliminary steps required to work with git on CodePlex. However using git withGitHub requires more initial steps. Generating SSH Keys. Before proceeding to Git operations we need to create SSH public and private keys, and register the public key on the GitHub site.

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If you’re new to Git and don’t know how to install Git on Windows, read my earlier post: How to Setup Git for Windows On 21 March 2012, the CodePlex team announced their support for Git. Creating a project with Git as source control is very easy in CodePlex and is done with a few clicks at no time. Suppose the project name is CodePlexGitTest. In order to make any changes to the project structure you need to clone the project first.

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Sina Iravanian

Movie music junkie, insomniac, daydreamer, procrastinator, hard-determinist, introvert, and a bit into software.

Software Developer

Melbourne, Australia